Current Issue
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies
All articles in this issue include authors from 3 countries of origin (Egypt, Malaysia and Indonesia).
Benturan Paradigma: Respons terhadap Penggeseran Paradigma Islam Clash of Paradigms: A Response to the Shifting of Islamic Paradigms
Kontribusi Maqāshid al-Syarī’ah dalam Pengembangan Bioetika Islam The Contribution of Maqāshid al-Syarī’ah in the Development of Islamic Bioethics
Yusuf al-Qardhawi’s View on Religious Extremism
Religion in the Postmodern Thought
Metodologi Tafsir Gender: Telaah Kritis Pemikiran Husein Muhammad The Methodology of Gender Interpretation: A Critical Study of Husein Muhammad's Thought
Metode Sosio-Historis Abdullah Saeed dalam Penafsiran Ayat Waris: Studi Kritis The Socio-Historical Method of Abdullah Saeed in Interpreting the Verse of Inheritance: A Critical Study
Journal Information
Journal Title | Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies |
Language | English, Arabic, and Indonesia |
ISSN | e-ISSN (2988-4802); p-ISSN (2988-568X) |
Publication Frequency | 2 issues per year (June and December) |
Management Style | Open Access |
National Accreditation | On Proccess |
Subject Areas | Islamic and Occidental Studies |
Editor in Chief | Harda Armayanto, M.A., Ph.D. |
Publisher |
Centre for Islamic and Occidental Studies, Universitas Darussalam Gontor-Indonesia |