Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies
All articles in this issue include authors from 2 countries of origin (Malaysia and Indonesia).
Tinjauan Kritis Kerangka Kerja Pengkajian Filsafat Islam: Analisis Buku History of Philosophy in Islam Karya Tjitze Jacobs de Boer A Critical Review of the Study of Islamic Philosophy Framework's: An Analysis of the book History of Philosophy in Islam by Tjitze Jacobs de Boer
Implementation of The Al-Attas’s Islamization on The Impact of Desacralization of Politics
Problem Hak Asasi Manusia: Analisis dari Pandangan Hidup Islam The Problem of Human Rights: An Analysis from the Islamic Worldview
Konsep Mītsāqan Ghalīzhan Sebagai Solusi Cara Pandang Feminis tentang Konsep Pernikahan Mītsāqan Ghalīzhan's Concept as a Solution to the Feminist Perspective on the Concept of Marriage
Argumentasi Inkarsunah tentang Otoritas Sunah Argumentation of Inkarsunah regarding the Authority of Sunah
Hiperrealitas dan Krisis Identitas Manusia Pascamodern Hyperreality and Identity Crisis of Postmodern Society